Emily Perdue, BCM president 2019-2020

Hi, my name is Emily Perdue and I am a Junior in the Elementary/SPED program here.  I am from Lawrenceville, Ga and have lived there my entire life.  I love Jesus, spending time with friends and family, pretty much anything outdoors and trying new things.  BCM has become my home away from home while at college.  The people here have become like my second family.  They are some of my biggest prayer warriors and supporters in everything.  My desire is that everyone who steps into our building is greeted and loved in this same way. This is a place where you can lay down your burdens, stress, and joys to be prayed for, loved on, and celebrate with. We are all on this struggle bus called college and we don’t want you trying to figure out these crazy years of your life alone!  We have so many ways for you to be a part of our family!  These include our weekly Monday night worship nights, hawksnest (bible studies) for gender and age specific groups at various times throughout the week, events, retreats, and our intramural teams.  This year our emphasis is on Loving God and what that looks like. 1 John 4:19 says “we love because He first loved us.”  As we walk through this next school year my prayer is that we love our campus and community as reflections of how Christ loves us. We would love for you to join us as we dive into how we love God, how He loves us, why we should love Him and why He loves us!  I can’t wait to meet you!

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